Visit NMAJH for MLK Day on Monday, January 20th!

The NMAJH will be open on January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The museum is normally closed on Mondays. However, it will be open to the public for free that day. They are offering family-friendly programs and admission for everyone is FREE. The STAMP teens are always free, but on this day they can bring in their entire families for free. The Sister Cities Girl Choir will be performing, and story times and play zones will also be available throughout the day. There will also be a Family Comic Strip Workshop in partnership with Fleisher Art Memorial from 11am  to 3pm. Don’t miss out!

The full list of different events being held are on their website with the times. Click here to learn more.

READY TO VISIT the National Museum of American Jewish History? Check out the NMAJH profile page for the hours you can use your STAMP pass!

This post was written by Myrna Yousuf, a STAMP Teen Council member. Myrna attends Science Leadership Academy.