Sharon’s Visit to the Penn Museum

Hey everyone! It’s been awhile since I last posted. So I decided to make this blog post about visiting a new museum because I want all of you guys to visit a museum you haven’t been to before! Well technically, I have been here but I didn’t take a good look around the whole museum. I had been here with my school, but I wanted to visit the museum without worrying about filling out worksheets for class. I decided to visit the Penn Museum because they have so many exhibits with many different artifacts and sculptures. When you first walk in, you will start at the 2nd floor and work your way around the museum.

On the second floor, the first exhibit I went to was the Mexico and Central America Gallery. You can see different artifacts from different groups of people living in this area. I saw olmecs and monuments that were found at excavation sites. I learned so much about different groups such as the Teotihuacan. The exhibit I went to next was the Imagine Africa exhibit and the Africa exhibit. They are kind of the same thing but they’re two different exhibits. There was so many beautiful sculptures and many  different hand-made pieces such as baskets. I saw beaded bags called Apo Ifa and I thought the bag was pretty cool. One thing that was very strange was the nail figures. It was made for revenge and justice, kind of like a voodoo doll. I also visited the Human Evolution gallery, which is pretty self-explanatory.

Next, I went to the 3rd floor and the first exhibits I went to were the Rome Gallery Etruscan Italy Gallery and Greece Gallery. I saw many handmade things from different periods, like pottery. I saw pots and cups made in the Orientalizing Period. Then, I went and checked out Greece and Egypt and Mummies exhibits. I saw beautiful jewelry made like rings and necklaces made by the Egyptians and I saw a reproduction of the Rosetta Stone filled with hieroglyphs. Pretty cool stuff.

The exhibit I was most anticipating was on the first floor, which was Egypt (Sphinx). Right off the bat, this exhibit looks so empty and no one was there. It was only me and the security guard who was probably watching my every move. But the sphinx was what amazed me. I couldn’t believe people made this and didn’t use any technology we have today. Overall, I had a great time at the Penn Museum and I’ll be coming back soon!

READY TO VISIT the Penn Museum? Check out the Penn Museum profile page for the hours you can use your STAMP pass!

This post was written by Sharon Shania, a STAMP Teen Council member. Sharon attends The Preperatory Charter School of Mathematics, Science, Technology & Careers.